Use the chart below to compare minimum download speed (Mbps) needs for typical household use with one, two, three or four devices at a time (such as a laptop, tablet, game console or HD smart TV).
You can also compare typical online activities with the minimum Mbps needed for adequate performance
for each application by linking to the Broadband Speeds by Activity guide presented later in this

Basic Service = 1 to 2 Mbps
Medium Service = 6 to 15 Mbps
Advanced Service = More than 15 Mbps
Mbps (Megabits per second) is the standard measure of broadband speed. It refers to the speed with which information packets are downloaded from, or uploaded to, the internet.
*Extremely high use households using multiple high demand activities may need faster speeds than the Advanced Service for better performance.
Broadband Speeds by Activity
Compare typical online activities with the minimum download speed (Megabits per second, or Mbps) needed for adequate performance for each application. Additional speed may enhance performance. Speeds are based on running one activity at a time.